The stories of Juan, Rushian and Ivianyd are woven with greatness.

Saltar a Vídeos
  • UNA CASA QUE AGRADECE [A House Full of Gratitude]

    UNA CASA QUE AGRADECE [A House Full of Gratitude]

    A House Full of Gratitude is a short documentary that explores the mysteries of the ancient Casa Betances, nowadays Casa Grande. This patrimony built in 1910 has survived the worst hurricanes in the archipelago.

  • Sabado de Gloria [Holy Saturday]

    Sabado de Gloria [Holy Saturday]

    What would happen if Diana allowed herself to enjoy accompanying her mother to the supermarket?

  • Alguien Cuida tu Morada (The grave guardian)

    Alguien Cuida tu Morada (The grave guardian)

    It seems as if Hurricane María impacted both living people as well as their ancestors. From the voice and experiences of Luis A. Robles, the grave keeper from the Municipal Cemetery of Lares…

  • Machuchaleras


    Eugenia Ivelisse Rivera-Rivera shares the dual journey she has embodied in her heart and soul to keep her brother's memory alive.

Know your rights, defend them

Derechos. Son tuyos. Defiéndelos. es una serie de 7 videos y materiales complementarios realizada para educar sobre algunos derechos humanos universales y derechos constitucionales de Puerto Rico. La iniciativa fue un esfuerzo conjunto de Espacios Abiertos y el Centro de Periodismo Investigativo con el apoyo de Open Society Foundations y la Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades.

Aurora Docs (antes RoKA Productions) recibió la comisión para producir la serie y bajo la coordinación de Karen Rossi, siete cineastas Boricuas se ocuparon de escribir y dirigir un video para cada derecho humano.